Supervision Contract
Purpose, Goals and Objectives of Supervision
To assist the supervisee to improve their own clinical and therapeutic skills by supervisor feedback
To promote development of supervisee’s professional identity and competence
To ensure safe and ethically sound clinical practice
To ensure that interventions are conducted in a competent way, and based upon the best available evidence
To ensure the supervisee’s own mental health is addressed where they are working with emotionally difficult material, high clinical volumes or are themselves in distress unrelated to their work​
The content of supervision will focus on the acquisition of knowledge, conceptualization, and skills within the defined scope of practice.
The context will ensure understanding of ethics, codes, rules, regulations, standards, guidelines (including consent, confidentiality/ privacy), and all relevant legislation
Practicalities and Structure of Supervision Sessions
Supervision sessions will be held every…………………………………………………………………………….
The length of supervision sessions will be a minimum of…………………………………………………………
The supervision meeting will be delivered via……………………………………………………………………….
If either of us need to cancel the supervision session, then reasonable steps will be made to inform the other party and rearrange.
Both the supervisor and supervisee are responsible for ensuring that they can complete supervision in a private space and uninterrupted
Supervision will start and end punctually
Supervisees are responsible for calling the supervisor or setting up video links for the agreed time
An agenda will be agreed at the start of each session
Supervisees will prioritise cases for discussion according to risk and clinical need
An action plan will be agreed for each presented case
Copies of the supervision notes will be sent to the supervisor
Methods of supervision may include:
Case discussion regarding assessment, formulation, interventions and engagement
Rehearsal techniques for role play
Direct observation and feedback of audio or video recordings
Sharing and review of educational materials, handouts, guidelines, literature and studies.
Supervisee’s tasks
To prepare for each supervision session and ensure that all clinical records are up-to-date.
To communicate clear objectives for presenting patients
To engage fully with the clinical supervision process and adhere to agreed action plans.
Where feasible, to submit regular live clinical material for review/ rating by Cognitive Therapy Scale-Revised (CTSR)
Clinical Supervisor’s tasks
To maintain BABCP therapist accreditation.
Attend clinical supervision themselves in accordance to BABCP standards
To provide clinical supervision, guidance, and instruction in accordance with the best available evidence.
To promote case formulation methods consistent with evidence-based treatment protocols for depression and anxiety disorders.
Where feasible to rate video/audio of sessions conducted by the supervisee using the Cognitive Therapy Scale-Revised (CTS-R)
Supervisees should inform clients about the use of supervision when explaining the limits of confidentiality
Professional and clinical issues discussed in supervision are confidential and are not to be discussed outside the session. The exceptions to this are as follows:
When requested to release information by a court of law, coroner’s office or professional body
When the supervisor requires clinical advice from his/her own superviso